How To: Play YouTube Videos
in Background of iPhone [VIDEO]

I get it, you want to play youtube videos and do other things on your iPhone.

Ever time you start a youtube music video and try to do something else, it stops playing. Very annoying.

This is how to play youtube videos in the background while you multitask on your iPhone.

(requires iOS4+ .. if you have an iPhone 4, this will work… if you keep your 3G or 3GS updated with apple’s latest software, this will work… OTHERWISE: sorry)

Learn more about iOS4 features here.

How To: Play a YouTube Video in the Background of iPhones

Here is a step by step guide to playing a youtube video while doing other things on your iPhone.

The youtube video will play in the background much like the iPod app or Pandora app plays in the background while you text, use the maps, check out your calendar or the weather.

Play YouTube Videos in the Background of your iPhone
Play YouTube Videos in the Background of your iPhone
  1. Open the youtube app & find your favorite video
  2. Let the video load to the point where it starts playing
  3. Press the home button
  4. Double click the home button to bring up multitasking
  5. Swipe to the right to find the media buttons (rewind/play/pause/forward)
  6. Press the play button
  7. MULTITASK! – go text, map, whatever your heart desires!

That’s it!

Yet Another Way To Multitask YouTube Music Videos!

Alternatively, you can:

Start playing a youtube music video (like steps 1-2 above)

Press the home button

Lock the iPhone

Click the home button once to show your background – then double click the home button to bring up the media controls on the locked screen

Press play – since the last piece of audio you played was the youtube video, that will start playing

Unlock your iPhone and MULTITASK – since you locked your iPhone from the home screen, you return to the home screen with the youtube video playing in the background and you’re free to do whatever you want!

That’s all there is to it – play youtube in the background on your iPhone by following those easy steps above!

Hey, did you know your can play snake on youtube videos?

If this helped you – let me know in the comment box below!


My Favorite iPhone OS4 Updates & Feature Additions

You probably already know that Apple came out with their iPhone OS4 update. The addition of several different features has got me ranting and raving about the iPhone again!

So much so that I’ve forgot how bad AT&T’s service is… just recently the service went from being spectacular to being sub-par… Did AT&T knock down a tower near me? — WHAT GIVES!?

Sorry.. on with the iPhone OS4 features and stuff…

My Favorite Updates & Additions on OS4

Here is a list of my favorite updates for the new iPhone operating system.

Spell Check

Everything has spell check now, which for me, someone who only scored 500 on the verbal SAT, is a BIG DEAL!

Threaded Email

Email conversations that have the same subject line are threaded together, much like Gmail… awesome.

Photo Gallery Shows Where You Took The Picture

Are you kidding me with this?  by far the coolest update.

Now when you take a picture with your iPhone, it tags where you are geographically – and then shows you all your pictures on a map.

I think this is extremely neat, and somewhat useful too.
I’m showing off to friends and family.. Look where I’ve been!

Wondering if the it will work internationally too.. anyone know?

Multi Task With Pandora

You know Pandora, the program that plays similar music to an artist or song that you put in?  I love Pandora.

It used to be that when you leave the Pandora application on your iPhone, the music would stop.  So if you got an email or text you want to reply to, you’d have to lose your music to do so.

Now, with the new iPhone OS4 upgrade – You can Pandora and text, email, or even Facebook!

This is my 2nd favorite feature added on OS4 behind the photo gallery geography thing.

Set Your Background

A simple update that allows your background or wallpaper to show once you’re in your iPhone.  It used to only show on the welcome (or locked) screen.

Search Text Messages

I personally don’t text message enough to make this one that useful, but it’s definitely cool that you can now search your text messages.

So that’s it – those are my favorite additions and features of the iPhone OS4 update — what do you think?