Would you like to get 15 months worth of stuff done in only 12 months?
Let me explain how I’m planning on adding 3 months of productivity to my year..
Assume you wake up and start working (productively) at 9am.. and like everyone else, your productivity starts to fade when 5pm starts to roll around.
Without a lunch break, that’s about 8 hours a day. Not bad.
That isn’t cutting it for me though, I need more time in the day.. there is a lot more to do than 8 hours allows, so I’m looking for 10-12 hour days.
But I’ve noticed that after 5pm, I am no where close to as productive as I am in the morning since I’m starting to get tired and hungry, and feel like I should do other things like work out and socialize…
Therefore, I’m instituting a rule where I have to wake up by 6am.. why?
Because If I’m up and productively working by 7am, that adds 2 hours per day!
Not to mention, these are probably the most productive hours of the day! …
- No social threads are being updated
- No phone calls coming in
- No meetings scheduled
So 2 more hours per day = 10 more hours per week = 1+ extra 8-hour work days per week!
Rough Calculations…
So if you work 2 extra (wicked productive) hours per day.. you get 10 extra hours per week…
4 weeks in a month * 10 hours per week = 40 extra hours per month…
40 hours per month = 1 extra week per month…
1 week per month * 12 months = 12 extra weeks per year!…
and of course, 12 weeks per year / 4 weeks per month = 3 extra super productive MONTHS PER YEAR!!
You don’t have to follow the math, or be as excited as I am.. just know this: If you start working earlier, you WILL get more done, in less time..
“Work smarter, not harder”
Nothing good happens on weeknights after 10pm anyway, you’re either drinking, watching tv, or bullshitting on the internet.. go to bed, wake up early, get more done, be happy.. and take more vacations with your new found time!
Your thoughts? Don’t be scared.